So I've had some trouble thinking of topics to blog about and I thought why not talk about exactly that. When I first started writing, I had this idea in my head that the posts I write should always have an aim and should always be up to the level but as the days passed I realized it's not always going to be that way. Blogging shouldn't always have to be focused on talking about topics that need to be heard by the majority. Honestly, sometimes it can be as simple as "How my day was" or " How I completed a task that I didn't feel like completing". In my opinion, blogging is basically journalling that's open to the public. Don't you think? We express our emotions by simply talking about them and receive feedback that usually goes something like "I can totally relate to this" which is what motivates me to continue writing! There's something therapeutic about writing, even if it's the most random of topics. I never ...