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My top social media distractions

  How many times have you found yourself scrolling through social media apps when you should be getting important work done? I never realized how fast time passes once you aimlessly start scrolling through Instagram or Facebook.

  I initially used to watch a crazy amount of BuzzFeed videos whether they were about weird conspiracy theories, easy 1minute mug cake recipes or taking random quizzes to know what type of bread I am! I’m sure most of us are guilty of doing that but it’s so addicting there’s really no way out of it!

  I remember this one time I just couldn’t help but feel distracted and thought maybe a 5-minute scroll on Facebook will help me get back on track. Little did I know those harmless 5minutes would turn into a solid 2 hours of nonstop scrolling! I actually reached the end of my Facebook page which is when I realized how long I procrastinated. I didn't regret doing that though! I ended up watching soap-cutting videos as I had already wasted half my day.

  Although if I’m being honest, scrolling isn’t all that bad. Sometimes you get to know what’s going on in the world and other times you’ll get to encounter new memes which basically is a win-win situation...isn’t it?

  I think for the most part it’s done habitually, unconsciously opening apps even when there is nothing new to look at. In my opinion, just the satisfaction of knowing you can scroll for hours is what makes it so addictive. And I for one don’t feel guilty about it no matter what my situation is. I mean if it can make you laugh then why stop it... right? :)


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