We're always taught about the importance of charity, how even the smallest of donations can make a difference in someone's life. That's where the idea of a bake sale popped in, and since it's our last year, we thought it would be a memorable and beneficial act!
Once our teachers were on board with the plan that's when we started the discussions. Our aim was to not only make it successful but also an enjoyable experience! From planning out attractive props to figuring out which baked goods sell the most, we paired up into small groups to help out with all the baking!
I paired up with 3 of my friends and we agreed on baking mini cupcakes and cookies! To be honest, we were initially overwhelmed with the idea of baking 200 cupcakes and cookies that not only looked eye-catching but also tasted delicious! However, we did a pretty decent job of getting them all done.
6 hours and a lot of batters and chocolate tasting later, we successfully baked a good amount of desirable cupcakes and cookies!
Our bake sale turned out to be a success and we received a lot of positive comments from everyone which made us feel appreciated!
I had to share the pictures so I'm not the only drooling over them!
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