Have you ever missed a moment while you're living it? I like to call it nowstalgia. It's probably not even a word but makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Feeling nostalgic for a moment you're living in. I feel that's what my friends and I are constantly going through these days.
Knowing we've got only 2 months of school left hits us like a ton of bricks because let's be real...we never realized how fast these days would pass by until now! When my senior year started, I honestly couldn't wait to be done.
But now that I think about it, we'll probably never get those tidy timetables on the first day of school, or the long list of events planned out for our entire school year which got us all pumped up! The fact that we'll probably never take a dozen pictures with the dull school walls posing in our uniforms looking ridiculous, to say the least.
It's all of the small and irrelevant moments that we end up cherishing the most. I've started making pointless videos like getting tea during lunchtime or trying to go through long classes without feeling absolutely drained or writing small appreciation paragraphs in everyone's books for them to read later on and smile knowing we made blissful memories together.
Oh and not to mention this last one that might come off as a little weird but writing the date, time and exactly what we're all doing at that moment on school walls and friend's notebooks. Which to be honest, we'll probably never read again but hey, it's all a"nowstalgic" phase isn't it?
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