What’s the one word we’d use to describe the world we live in today? Will we use terms that make this world sound fascinating and progressive? Or will we take a brief moment and consider all the crises that are currently happening? If someone were to ask us for a brief description of what it’s like living in this modern time, how would we respond? Will we explain to them the endless ways this world brings prosperity? Or will we talk about how humanity is so hard to restore?
In my opinion, this world is a place where good and bad is bound to happen. Whether we choose to be part of the good or bad is a decision we make every day. It’s the decision that builds us up and prepares us for what our future looks like, don’t you think?
The world can be a beautiful place if there’s more good than bad, more love than hate, more strength rather than weakness, more unity rather than division. But with everything that’s happening these days, it’s hard to picture compassion and tolerance.
If I were to describe what this world feels like today, I’d say it feels divided. And this division accompanies us in our daily lives. Whether it’s a division of the rich and the poor, between a boss and the employees, between countries, between people of different castes but most importantly, the division between ethnicities.
It’s heartbreaking to see how differences between humans can cause bitterness and racism when these variations can encourage to bring people together. Why is it that people belonging to different ethnicities are judged based on irrelevant and bias propaganda? Why can’t we all learn to accept the differences and work towards making this world a promising and more secure place to live in? In the modern-day world, living freely has become almost impossible and it’s because of all the animosity that’s constantly spreading like wildfire.
It only gets better if we get better so expecting a world that’s civilized when the totality believes in putting people into categories and levels is like wanting the best out of a situation without working hard enough for it.
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