I remember the first day of senior year when I walked into my new class and met all my friends, it felt like I was reunited with family because that's what they mean to me. The year was full of "omg this is the last time we'll get to do this together" to "make videos of all the small moments so we can cherish it for a lifetime" to "omg next year, this day we'd probably be in different places" and so many more nostalgic conversations!
From ragging our juniors to getting dressed up for school events and taking pictures the entire day to putting together a bake sale, there's nothing more I could possibly ask for! All those dreadful classes that never seemed to end are moments I miss the most. Racing to get tea and doughnuts during our lunch breaks, forcing everyone to pose "candid" for my 1-second videos then crying on our way back to class because we couldn't handle any more physics classes and let's not forget to mention how we'd spend hours convincing each other to skip school and stay home instead. Oh, those moments might have not been important back then but they sure are important now!
Knowing the next time I walk into class, I'll be surrounded by new faces and as much as I'm looking forward to that, part of me will still want to be around my own pals. Starting this year, I didn't expect to become closer to people I didn't interact with much and distant from people who I've known for the longest time, but I guess that's just how it is. I loved every moment spent at my graduation, going to school for the very last time, surrounded by people who mean the world to me and going on stage receiving our diplomas was the highlight of the ceremony. Our juniors had put together a slideshow with all our pictures on it which made us all teary and the realization that soon we'll go our own ways hit us.
Saying goodbye to the best part of your life can be difficult but we'll never forget all the memories we shared and that gives hope!
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