Happy New Year guys! Hopefully, this year acts as a stepping stone to success for all of us. I hope we achieve everything we set our minds to and stop doubting ourselves, fearing failure and instead pick ourselves up after the worst of times and keep going.
I see people making all sorts of resolutions, which I think is great because it shows how we're willing to bring change in our lives. Even though I don't make resolutions, the one thing I want to do this year is to prioritize myself in every situation.
I've always been the kind of person that gives too much. Too much time, effort, attention and the list goes on.
It's great to give your all to people who deserve it, who're genuine but that doesn't mean allowing them to walk all over you and take advantage of your kindness.
I was talking to my friend the other day and she said how I shouldn't always justify the way I do things. If what I do makes me feel satisfied, then I'm doing it right and shouldn't feel the need to rationalize, because when other people see that doubtful side, they use it against you and make you feel like you're the wrong one.
I used to believe that until recently, I finally opened my eyes and stepped out of the denial phase and accepted the fact that some people really are toxic and will probably never change.
It's not selfish to put yourself first as this is a form of self-care.
Taking time off for yourself, skipping out on events just because you don't feel like it, watching movies all day long, is all okay and we shouldn't try to justify any of it. Everyone deserves "me" time and you should gladly take it whenever you feel it's necessary.
And so, this year I'm planning to do exactly that. I'll put myself first, always do things that make me feel joyful and most importantly, cut off all the toxicity from my life.
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