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If you’re feeling overwhelmed in a friendship

 Don’t you just love talking to your friends about things that bother you and literally feeling at ease once you’ve let it all out? Yeah, that’s how I feel today.

 As a teenager, I feel there is so much that goes on in our lives whether it’s relevant or not and there are not many people that feel comfortable talking about it. And honestly, it’s understandable to not feel comfortable but sometimes talking about things that bother you makes it all feel less stressful.

 The one problem I know most of us teens face is a lack of belonging whether it's in a friendship or relationship. I just had a conversation with my friend and she talked about how sometimes we feel so overwhelmed by the people we’re surrounded by, that we’re willing to change and bend our morals just to ”fit in”.

 There are so many of us who’ve probably been with a group of people we didn't particularly enjoy with. Or being friends with some people mainly because you have a history together and feel obliged to maintain the friendship thinking it’s your responsibility even when it’s one-sided.

 Mostly because of the fear of being left out, feeling like a loner. Granted, these thoughts overpower all the others and make you believe that staying with those particular people is better than being alone, that being unhappy with who you’ve become is better than having lunch at school all alone...right?

  I know someone who went through exactly that. She was surrounded by people who initially felt like a good company but as weeks and months passed by, she realized how different they were. All those people ever wanted was a good laugh, not an actual friendship. And to be honest, that feels good for a short time but those friendships are never permanent.

  There is so much more to a friendship than finding the same topics humorous and relatable, you’re supposed to feel good around them, their company is supposed to recharge you mentally, it’s supposed to make you love and cherish every moment spent with them and quite frankly, if that’s not how you feel around the people who you call ”friends”,  then they are just temporary.

  It’s probably a harsh pill to swallow but if people don’t put in the same amount of efforts that you do or at least try to, then they really aren’t worth the effort. Constantly being forced to do things their way just because they feel like it clearly shows how your opinions don't hold meaning to them.

 It’s just a waste of your own energy because one day you’ll realize you’re better off without them and you’ll find people who you can be yourself with and it’s going to feel amazing.

  Sometimes we just have to push ourselves to do things we’re scared to do because who knows, maybe that one decision you make for yourself turns everything around! Don’t change yourself for anyone because the right people will love you for who you are, not who you pretend to be.


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