I still remember the first letter I ever wrote to my "future self'" around 3 years ago, Finals week was around the corner and I was stressing about how I didn't have enough time to get everything done. So in the midst of having a panic attack (not an actual one... I think), I wrote a short letter on a pink paper, folded it and kept it in one of my books only to forget about it...until now.
Since I'm very specific about mentioning the time and date, I wrote "ugh I have so much to do and no time or motivation to do any of it, how will this tough time EVER pass? I hope I'm in a better place when I read this some years later" - 8:09pm 25th Jan'16.
I continued writing letters everytime stress crept up on me and somehow, without me knowing, it turned into a habit.
So I was rummaging through my closet the other day, and that letter randomly slipped out and fell to the ground. I didn't realize what it was at first but as I began reading it, the strongest wave of nostalgia hit me making me remember all the emotions I felt while writing that letter and one thing was certain, I really am in a better place now.
And I guess that's when I realized, the letters that I wrote years ago were actually my way of journaling without even knowing it. Although it didn't mean much back then, reading those letters now makes me realize how everything goes by, whether it's the best day you've ever had or the worst, it's always going to pass even if it feels like it won't.
I guess writing helps me keep a record of my emotions and it's always great to read how things were back when I was younger and how everything turned out. Although, there are some people that I wrote about who I don't talk to anymore, which makes me cherish the moments I spent with them.
Bottom line is that everyone should give journaling a try, it feels almost therapeutic.
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