I consider myself to be a nostalgic person. One of my favorite things to do is make videos of the most basic and random moments and reminisce on them later on.
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed the other day and came across an ad of an app called ”one second every day” and it basically lets you make 1-second videos of any moment you wanna capture and later turns it into a movie which for some people like me is one of the best ways to reflect back on those moments.
Back in 2016, I was a die-hard fan of making slideshows with all the pictures taken on special occasions like birthdays and end of summer breaks.
I never realized how one day, years later I would look back to those videos only to feel waves of nostalgia looming over me but also feeling incredibly happy for taking the time out to make them! I guess that’s exactly when my obsession began and if I’m being honest, it’s a bittersweet feeling.
I remember one particular video I made at school. My friends and I were getting our measurements taken for the graduation caps and gowns. We mentioned how years later we’ll probably find this video, maybe while making plans with new friends in a new place and remember exactly what we felt that day. The feeling of joy thinking about finally graduating but also despair for leaving the people we made great memovies with.
So the one thing I really am focusing on this year is making one of the best 1- second videos I can think of! From randomly scaring people to making sure I capture the endless laughing sessions with my friends, I hope it’s one of the most nostalgic videos I’ve ever seen!
I’m also obsessed with clouds and pretty sunsets🌟
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