“Think about it for a while, nothing happens. Think about it a bit longer, you begin to ache a little”. I’ve heard this before and I reflect on it, if it hurts, it hurts you fully. How does contemplating it briefly or a bit longer make a difference? Makes sense when you put some perspective into it. There’s a common saying. Holding a glass of water with your arm out causes no pain but prolong it, and your arm aches. Why do we cling to so much pain in our hearts and minds? Human beings are logical, facts, and figure-driven. Our brains are simply wired to be this way. Must it not be simple to let go? It’s not always the pain of what has passed rather it’s our emotional response and attachment to that feeling. It’s tough to release something that occupies your mind for the most part. It’s even more difficult to accept and heal from it. Because once you shut it out, what are you left with? But isn’t that the only way to move on? If so, why doesn’t it feel better? Ra...